North Yorkshire Council


Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee


7 June 2024


ACC Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund Endorsements – June 2024


Report of the Corporate Director of Community Development




1.1       To seek endorsement from the Area Constituency Committee Members that the Corporate Director, Community Development spends £66,000 of the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund on development of the four schemes listed below in Section 5.2.



2.0       BACKGROUND


2.1       At the meeting of North Yorkshire County Council on 22 February 2023 (Council Minute 83p), in respect of the 2023/24 Revenue Budget for North Yorkshire Council, it was resolved that, “£50k be provided annually for each Area Constituency Committee to commission works they feel appropriate for their local area”.


2.2       The purpose of the fund is to support activities that help to deliver the North Yorkshire Council ‘Council Plan’, Economic Growth Strategy, Destination Management Plan and other locally important plans and strategies. It aims to stimulate and directly support a pipeline of locally important economic, regeneration and tourism destination development projects that will benefit from existing and future funding and delivery opportunities (whether core or external funding) within the area covered by the respective Area Constituency Committee.


2.3       The scope of activity to be supported, within the purpose of the fund, is at the discretion of the specific Area Constituency Committee (ACC) but, could include:


§  activity to further develop locally important projects that would form part of a wider capital project pipeline including surveys, feasibility studies, outline or detailed design and market demand analysis. It can also fund business case development of locally important projects or contribute to the ongoing development of larger, major projects so the Council is well placed to secure funding (core or external) and to assist in developing grant-ready applications.


§  targeted contributions that add value to existing or planned physical regeneration or tourism activity and show tangible benefits to address a locally important issue or priority in that area.


2.4       Following an extensive Member engagement exercise to gather project ideas, a long list of project ideas was established.  Following preliminary research this list was refined to create a short list of the most viable schemes.  More detailed scoping work was then undertaken by Officers on these remaining projects in order to complete the Scoping Forms and associated recommendations which are contained within and attached to this report. 


2.5       The full Project Shortlist is currently comprised of the following schemes:

a.    North Bay – South Bay Walking / Cycling Route

b.    Eastfield – Scarborough Town Walking / Cycling Route with Culture and Heritage Trail

c.     Coastal Access at Cayton Bay

d.    Offshore Economic Opportunities

e.    Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot Project

f.      Pannett Art Gallery

g.    Scarborough 400 Commemorations

h.    Scarborough Sea Pool

i.      Footpath from Briggswath to Ruswarp


3.0       Proposal


3.1       A full scoping process to ascertain financial and practical viability, as well as fit with strategic and local priorities, has been undertaken on the following 8 projects from the above shortlist:

a.    North Bay – South Bay Walking / Cycling Route

b.    Eastfield – Scarborough Town Walking / Cycling Route with Culture and Heritage Trail

c.     Coastal Access at Cayton Bay

d.    Offshore Economic Opportunities

e.    Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot Project

f.      Pannett Park Art Gallery

g.    Scarborough 400 Commemorations


3.2       A Scoping Report for each of the projects listed above have been attached as an Appendix to this paper.


3.3       Following the conclusion of the scoping process, the following recommendations are made by Officers.  For clarity, the schemes highlighted in green are those that are recommended for endorsement by the Scarborough and Whitby ACC:


Project Title



Financial Contribution

a.    North Bay – South Bay Walking / Cycling Route


Officer advice is not to endorse this scheme as delivery would offer low value for money as there is a limited use case vs. the high cost of delivery.  A route utilising the highway rather than the promenade was considered but considered too hazardous to cyclists due to the popularity of the NYC provided car parking along Marine Drive.


b.    Eastfield – Scarborough Town Walking / Cycling Route with Culture and Heritage Trail

Reject BUT with view to supporting in future

The Scarborough to Eastfield scheme is a high priority for the Council and one which is likely to attract other external funding opportunities.  With an estimated cost of £90,000 - £120,000 it is considered to be out of scope for the project development fund due to the scale of financial input required.  Officer advice is therefore not to endorse this scheme.


c.     Coastal Access at Cayton Bay


As the project does not fall within the remit of the Transport Planning team and the Coastal Engineering Team do not currently have a budget available to undertake this work, undertaking work to maintain and extend the useful life of the two access points on NYC land will continue to allow access and potentially support any ambitions around the development of a Watersports Centre of Excellence.

For the above reasons and considering the relatively low financial support being requested in relation to the high number of beach access users, Officer advice is to endorse.


d.    Offshore Economic Opportunities


A number of pieces of work have been undertaken over recent years – this would be an opportunity to combine these and develop a Strategy and recommended Action Plan to identify clear steps (and their estimated costs) that the Council can take to realise and maximise the benefits derived from offshore economic opportunities.  Officer advice is to endorse this scheme as the proposed scheme would meet the objectives and timescales of this Project Development Fund.


e.    Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot Project


The pilot project proposed would be an opportunity for North Yorkshire Council to be one of a small number of Councils working to integrate active travel into social prescribing to address mental and physical health, and reduce disparities and / or health inequalities. 

The proposed project and financial contribution requested both fit well within the parameters of this Fund; Officers therefore recommend the Scheme is endorsed.


f.      Pannett Park Art Gallery


The scoping process has identified that due to the estimated financial value of the scheme, even making a significant contribution from the Project Development Fund would leave a financial shortfall and would still not mean work could progress.  Furthermore, the scheme is being delivered by an external third party.  This would require the funding to be granted to the third party, and this is outside of the terms of the fund.

It is for the above reasons that Officers do not recommend this scheme is endorsed.


g.    Scarborough 400 Commemorations


This scheme is seeking funding to undertake feasibility and scoping activity around the original Scarborough Spa Pump to support the development of interpretation required for the 2026 anniversary of Scarborough becoming a spa town. This will be part of a wider programme of activity commemorating this milestone for Scarborough.

Officers recommend that this scheme is endorsed as it meets the objectives of the project development fund and can be delivered within the timescales required.







£ 66,000


3.4       The remaining schemes on the shortlist as per section 2.4 above will continue to be developed and Scoping Reports for these will be presented to the September Scarborough and Whitby ACC meeting for consideration.




4.1       Alternative options and additional elements for inclusion were considered and included as appropriate in each of the above schemes, but broadly schemes are as originally identified by Elected Members.




5.1       The Scarborough and Whitby ACC currently has a budget of £50,000 available from 2023/24, and a further £50,000 available for 2024/25 (£100,000 in total).  These funds need to be allocated and spent by 31 March 2025.  Currently £100,000 is available as no previous allocations have been made.


5.2       It is recommended that the ACC endorse the following projects and make a request to the Corporate Director, Community Development to allocate funds from the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund.


Project Title

Financial Contribution

Coastal Access at Cayton Bay


Offshore Economic Opportunities


Active Travel / Social Prescribing Pilot Project


Scarborough 400 Commemorations



5.3       If all the above schemes are endorsed, the total allocation being made by the Scarborough and Whitby ACC from their Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund is £66,000.  This would leave £34,000 remaining to be allocated.


5.4       If any of the schemes endorsed by the ACC are not approved by the Corporate Director for Community Development, that scheme will not go ahead.




6.1       Consideration has been given to any legal implications in using the funding for the above highlighted schemes and there are no concerns at this stage, however any procurement will be carried out in accordance with procurement and contract procedure rules.




7.1       Consideration has been given to the potential for any equality impacts arising from the recommendations. It is the view of Officers that at this stage the recommendations do not have an adverse impact on any of the protected characteristics identified in the Equalities Act 2010. A copy of the Equality Impact Assessment screening form will be completed prior to final approval by the Corporate Director, Community Development.




8.1       There are no climate change issues arising from this report or any of the schemes being recommended for endorsement. A copy of the Climate Change Impact Assessment screening form will be completed prior to final approval by the Corporate Director, Community Development if required.




9.1       Endorsing the above listed schemes will allow the Scarborough and Whitby ACC to support a range of projects to deliver social, economic and wellbeing benefits.  All schemes recommended by Officers are deemed to meet the purpose of the Project Development Fund and fit within the specified delivery timescales and budget window.






To secure endorsement from the Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee Members that the Corporate Director, Community Development spends £66,000 of the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund on the following schemes:


Coastal Access at Cayton Bay - £20,000

Offshore Economic Opportunities - £20,000

Active Travel / Social Prescribing Pilot Project - £15,500

Scarborough 400 Commemorations - £10,500


Total - £66,000






Appendix A - North Bay – South Bay Walking / Cycling Route Scoping Report

Appendix B - Eastfield – Scarborough Town Walking / Cycling Route with Culture and Heritage Trail Scoping Report

Appendix C - Coastal Access at Cayton Bay Scoping Report

Appendix D - Offshore Economic Opportunities Scoping Report

Appendix E - Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot Project Scoping Report

Appendix F - Pannett Art Gallery Scoping Report

Appendix G - Scarborough 400 Commemorations Scoping Report







Nic Harne

Corporate Director – Community Development

County Hall


5 June 2024


Report Author – Amy Thomas, Economic Development Service Manager

Presenter of Report – Amy Thomas, Economic Development Service Manager


Note: Members are invited to contact the author in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.